Saturday, July 11, 2020, 05:23 AM
In short, Yes.
Trump is a deal maker. Trump is also a gambler; something people forget when considering his business empire which includes his casino. And, as I believe his tax records will demonstrate, he is the head of a kingdom - his own - which he destroyed financially.
These are, to me, indicators of a man willing to do what it takes the get the deal done. And in his case, his being president is the deal.
So, we must ask ourselves, would Trump's chances of being perceived of as popular enough to win the election motivate him to pull the US out of NATO?
What I am asking myself is, under what circumstances would Trump do this. And I believe he would do so at the last minute - before October (so it cannot be called an "October surprise"), and that he would ultimately change his mind, or if he were able to do so soon enough (next week?) that he might pull off getting NATO members to pay up as he's been demanding.
My observation, one I am certain is shared by many, is that Trump cares about one thing: Trump. Consider that when pondering whether or not the man in the Whitehouse might not do something "crazy" like pull the US out of NATO and risk destroying a long tradition of using Russia as a bogeyman to create fear in the voters.
There is another question I am asking myself, as a poker player: what will Trump do if his bluff is called?


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