Thoughts from the Passenger Seat of a Taxi 
Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 11:31 AM
The world is a pretty fucked up place right now. Things are bad for just about everyone.

Everyone except the rich and powerful that is.

So how did we get here? What happened to make our world hell unless you are some kind of billionaire, celebrity, politician, or just plain lucky?

First, I think we need to recognize this reality, that the only people doing well are NOT hard working people who care about others and contribute to society. The people doing well are the very people who are the problem.

It is important to recognize this fact because in reality, we in society are rewarding those people who are the most harmful to society. And as long as society is rewarding those who are harming society, society will continue to get worse for everyone else. And looking at our recent histories, that things are getting worse for most while better for some is clearly evident and proves that society's degradation is benefitting the privileged few at the expense of everyone else.

Once we recognize the basis of the problem we can understand its true nature and work towards solving the real problem instead of constantly covering up the symptoms or making things worse because the problem is ignored. And the basic problem here is that society is rewarding those who harm it.

I have written extensively and recorded countless videos discussing the nature of the disease in humans which is the cause of all of this, what causes people to act in what is actually against their own self interests. Lack of empathy due to failure to learn those vital human skill causes people to ignore anything but their own immediate self interest by failing to develop moral perpective. These people are the architects of modern society.

And it is these people who have the whole world convinced that they are our betters and that they deserve to be rewarded for their efforts.

The reality in America, which is where I will now direct my taxi-ride thoughts, is that these people took over America when real human beings settled in to a nation that had finally reached adulthood and stopped expanding.

America was founded by people who prioritized adventure and risk over safety and opression of their individuality and spirit of adventure. In other words, America was founded by human beings.

Key to understanding America, especially in the context of its staus as the greates experiment in human history in accountable governance is the nature of her federal government, one founded not by and for "the people" but rather by and for stakeholders, those whose hard work built and maintained the nation.

Because of the nature of the reality of who settled north America, the vote was given initially to white christian male landowners, the only kind of people who had braved the voyage to the new world, took all the risks, and forged a nation from wild lands.

Within 80 years, the vote, and thus the ability to hold office, was dilluted, given to all males in a coordinated and and planned effort to give themselves the advantages going forward.

Using a moral issue, these people altered the very nature of America, ending its status as an experiment in freedom and self governance. Slavery was used to distract a population of people who, unlike the stakeholders who founded the nation, dependent upon others for their most basic needs. As such, they were willing to believe those who claimed to have their best interests in mind, an obviously false claim as we now know these people are incapable of having concern for anyone but their immediate selves.

And so we see history repeating itself, with moral issues being used to take power, this time beyond even the loosest interpretations of the US Constitution. And so power hungry are these people as to now ignore any semblence of reason, and gone now are any serious efforts to tey to hide their truee intent.

And yet in spite of how obvious their deceptions are, people are still as inclined as ever to buy into the lies. This can only be because people are even more dependent upon these people than ever, somwthing engineered and obvious but which still works.

What this means is that people are conquered, completely dependent and therefore unable to do anything but be the slaves they are. It means there is no hope for them going forward. The self-declared elite have total control. It is there society now, 100 percent.

But we also know these people are the problem. They are the ones who destroyed Anerica and the rest of the world with it, so how is it possible they could make society work, even for themselves?

The answer is of course that they cannot.

The conclusion then is that unless people recognize that the rich and politicians and celebrities ARE the problem, the problems will only continue to work to destroy society and mankind with it.


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