Surviving Nuclear Armageddon? How About Bomb Shelters as Sailboats? 
Monday, December 23, 2024, 08:20 AM
Posted by Administrator
Surviving the worst case disaster scenario of a nuclear free-for-all as we may well be facing cannot be assured unless you are mobile because you cannot be sure if you will be affected where you build your shelter and you cannot breather radiation-contaminated air.

So, the only real way to assure your survival is with a suitable shelter that can go anywhere especially to places that won't be affected or populated by dangeroud people with few resources. And the only practical way to do that is on the water.

I have pondered making a ship for myself with a sealed atmosphere inside the vessel. I realized that a sailing vessel can be made into a floating, self sufficient bomb shelter.

So, I want to find people who are interested in investing in me to make these vessels.
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