Wednesday, December 28, 2022, 02:47 PM
Posted by Administrator
Posted by Administrator
I am going to take the war against me to their battlefield and use their own weapons against them. This means you, cunts of the deep state/bureaucracy.
So, I am looking for sponsors, producers, publishers, as well as a publicist and manager to handle my media and online presence.
My preference is to work for agents of state or superstate actors. I will work for the US Government through appropriate channels, and I will tailor my content to suit their agenda.
To be clear, my agenda is simple: to find a few like minded people to join me in leaving and existing outside of society. I want the same thing those who have been censoring me want, to take people like myself out of society. You don't want us we don't want to be there.
So, now I can get paid to continue to do what I do and everyone can stop worrying about me being a threat to society.
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