What's Wrong with America and How to Fix it 
Thursday, June 4, 2020, 02:40 PM
Posted by Administrator

America was founded on lies and deceit by opposing factions who remain at odds and which continue to jeopardize America today. These two factions are today represented by Democrats and Republicans, but the ideology is entirely based in racist slavery.

The two sides were at odds even at the founding of America as evidenced by founding documents and historical records which seem to contradict the wording of these documents. The most meaningful and representative example is the statement in the Declaration of Independence that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” and the contradictory policies at the founding of America which clearly stated that all men were not created equal. Considering that at the founding of America, only white male Christian landowners were given the vote as well as counted in the census; it is clear that what the founding fathers meant by “all men are created equal” was that all white christian landowning males were created equal, and no one else was.

Further evidence of this glaring hypocrisy of the founding documents and policy in America is the fact that the Bill of Rights is represented by amendments to the Constitution, as in, they were added after the fact.

Based on this fact alone, an entire group of Americans, Republicans today, believe that the founding documents of America enshrined white privilege.

The other group has been fighting these people since long before the founding of America. These people largely stood against or did not support slavery. These people fought to enshrine rights into America's founding documents in order to ensure that everyone had a right.

So why the fighting? Why can't Republicans accept that the Constitution says “all men” regardless of what was policy at the time? And what's in it for Democrats and why haven't they succeeded in ensuring the rights of all Americans after 246 years of trying?

Republicans represent the people who fought to found America, as a paradise for white male privilege because they were tired of being told they could not be wealthy or own land in Europe or England because they were not royalty, and they exist to fight to keep things as they were, and they will use whatever means, exploit whatever peoples, and co-opt any movement they see fit in order to further their agenda; which is not to uphold their politics, but to PROFIT from upholding their politics.

Democrats then represent the people who fought to ensure America was founded for everyone, not just white males. These people came to America seeking freedom of expression, of religion, and from oppression. And they exist to fight to keep things they way they are and will use whatever means, exploit whatever peoples, and co-opt any movement they see fit in order to further their agenda; which is not to uphold their politics, but to PROFIT from upholding their politics.

One thing to note about these two factions is that one of these factions is what is called the “Deep State.” That is no more than the bulk of the bureaucracy, the unelected federal officials, primarily in the US State Department; where they actually work hand in glove with Republicans!

Perhaps now it is possible for you to understand why Republicans seem racist but why Democrats seem no better and more importantly; why neither seems to be able to get anything done. On the contrary, both are very well experienced and exceptionally efficient at what they do.

Oh yeah...how to fix it?

I would propose the creation of two separate nations, none of which should be allowed to possess militaries: the Capitalist States of America, and the Socialist States of America, and let people freely move between the two and place them under a far less powerful federal government which runs on the same partisan bullshit concensus that exists now.

As for what you can do, start or join a militia. Then demand your militia take over local law enforcement duties.
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Donald J. Trump versus the Deep State 
Friday, May 29, 2020, 08:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
First and foremost, I am not picking sides. In my view, Trump and the "deep state" are two sides of the same coin.

I just read about the transcripts of the Michael Flynn conversation with the Russian Ambassador before Trump took office. From this, and Trump's actions against social media corporations which have been censoring and silencing anyone whose opinion does not mesh with that of the deep state, I now have a more complete understanding of Trump as well as the deep state and their interrelationship.

First, both are the same in their unflinching and ummoving desire and efforts to please not American citizens, but Israeli lobbyists and other zionists.

In this regard, both the deep state, and Trump and anyone on his 'side' also fighting against the deep state are of the same breed: greedy, self-interested people who have sold out their nation in order to please their zionist masters.

What is different between the two is now borne out as the truth: that the deep state has used it's resources to counter Trump, except in their mutual ass-kissing of Israel, simply because they have a personal social issue with Trump.

I know of this feeling all too well. I am treated precisely the same way by the deep state. The deep state, by the way, is actually the US State Department's bureaucracy as well as some other bureaucrats - unelected government employees who have taken it upon themselves to function in the capacity that would otherwise be held by elected, and therefore publicly accountable people.

Donald Trump then, is fighting a good fight, though certainly not THE good fight. But, let's get one thing clear: Just as Trump is NOT on my side, despite his efforts to go after the social media giants for their actions which have also adversely affected me, Trump is not on your side either. Trump isn't on anyone's side except Trump's.

Trump is of course a psychopath, a person without empathy and for whom no one else exists except himself. Everyone on this planet is an object to be used to further Trump's personal agenda for himself. But at the same time, he also has a pressing need to impress everyone around him. This spells a disaster when set against the awesome power of the deep state because it means war, and that means casualties, which means you.

So don't you dare cheer Trump for his efforts against the deep state, just as you shouldn't be cheering the efforts of the deep state against Trump. They are two sides of the same corrupt coin and in their mind, you are nothing. Period.
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Even Trump Can Be Right Once 
Thursday, May 28, 2020, 07:07 PM
Posted by Administrator
Like a room full of monkeys operating typewriters, enough time has passed that something good has come off of the desk of Donald J. Trump, who holds the title of President of the United States (holds the title, not is...big difference, if he WAS president, he would ACT ACCORDINGLY - mature anyone?).

The link below is to an executive order which represents the first decent thing Trump has done during his tenure:


This executive order is not a law, as the president cannot make law, he is an executive officer, which means he EXECUTES the law, as in he DOES WHAT CONGRESS TELLS HIM TO DO.

But the law is not being applied fairly or accurately. 47 USC 203 C 1 states that online content providers (social media platforms) are free from liability for the content they provide IF they remove such content that is deemed offensive or otherwise illegal.

What Trump has done is to instruct the US Department of Justice, a part of the EXECUTIVE branch of the government, to clarify the law in terms of its application. What he has specifically done is to instruct the DOJ to investigate whether or not the law is being applied correctly, or used as a means to cover up censorship. He has done so by instructing the DOJ to define, properly, those who censor for political or other purposes as PUBLISHERS as the law stipulates, rather than letting them get away with calling themselves content providers.

The fact that Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms can censor political speech, which I am a victim of, makes them publishers because they control the content you read. If they take down my videos, suppress them in search results, remove my journalistic articles, take down my Facebook page, and any of the other acts of censorship committed against me, they are publishers and they are not protected from liability.

That means that Mr. Trump has opened the door for people like me to sue the fuck out of companies like Google, Facebook, and others, and to win in doing so.

So, Trump finally did something right.


Because it was the right thing to do?

No. Because it happened to him, finally. Twitter endowed one or two of Trump's tweets as questionable and Trump blew his stack and went after the social media platforms, not because they are doing something wrong to Americans, but because they did something wrong to HIM.

You who believe Trump is anything but a selfish, shallow, stupid prick - you need to be taken out and fucking shot for being a stupid, shallow, selfish prick yourself.
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What Is COVID-19 
Friday, May 1, 2020, 03:11 PM
Posted by Administrator
What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a disease caused by a novel coronavirus first encountered in Wuhan China, but which likely originated either in Southern China, or elsewhere, perhaps San Fancisco, California.

COVID-19 is not an inevitable result of the novel coronavirus. Let's be perfectly clear in this distinction. Having the novel coronavirus in you does not mean you have COVID-19. People do not die from the virus, they die from a disease caused by the virus. And in fact, no one has died from either the coronavirus nor COVID-19! This is evidenced by the fact that all who die with the virus in them had underlying health issues.

In other words, neither the novel coronavirus, nor COVID-19 actually kills anyone.

That's right, there are zero fatalities caused by the coronavirus or COVID-19.

Let's examine this in detail:

The virus cannot kill. It's mechanism is to reproduce using the body's own resources. What it does however; is overwhelm the body of those whose immune systems are compromised to the point their body cannot protect against a very basic and otherwise common virus.

These viral infections kill people like this all the time. In fact, it is the leading cause of death in the same people who are supposedly dying of COVID-19. When your body's immune system fails, your health becomes frail, and you simply die of something your body would have otherwise been able to protect you from. People with underlying health problems are not strong enough to deal with their health problems and a viral infection or secondary bacterial infection. So when you hear about people dying of “natural causes,” this is what they mean: the common cold, influenza, pneumonia, even heart failure are not what kills, it is the fact that the body was unable to protect from these infections that caused their death.

But what about all these people who ARE dying?

They are not dying of the coronavirus. They were already dead. What they are dying of is the medical industry's inability to continue to sustain their life beyond it's natural term. People who die of coronavirus are already patients, already under medical care for other conditions, conditions which are dangerous to their life if not treated. So all that is really happening is they can no longer be treated for the condition they have because the medical industry has already done all it can.

Notice a few things about those who are dying:

1. They all have comorbidities, that is, underlying health issues.
2. Most, if not all, die in hospitals or care homes; where they already were for other reasons.
3. The average age of those who die is only slightly lower, about 2 years, than the average life expectancy of the country or region they live in or ethnic group they belong to.

COVID-19 does not kill, it shortens lives.

What then are people afraid of?

Their own lifestyles!

We are not being imprisoned in our homes to protect us from a dangerous virus. We are being imprisoned in our homes to protect those who do not live a healthy lifestyle from succumbing to that lifestyle because the medical industry has yet to accommodate their unhealthy lifestyle against all potential dangers, including things like this novel coronavirus.

Society is addicted to healthcare, and as a result, is hopelessly dependent upon the healthcare system, which cannot handle actual health matters as is being proven out by the COVID-19 “pandemic.”

So what is happening? Why all the deaths? Why all the fuss? And why are we being locked down in our homes?

The fact is, the healthcare system cannot handle the flood of failures of the healthcare system. People are complaining that the healthcare system should be able to handle a pandemic. This is far from the truth. Individual health is far more important in fighting against a virus, and the medical industry is functioning precisely as it was designed – as a center for profit.

What the medical industry is faced with is its own failure. Health people are not dying from the coronavirus. People who are under the “care” of the for-profit medical industry are dying of complications of their healthcare and the lack of the medical industry to actually care for health instead of sustaining their profit by keeping people profoundly unhealthy.

And this is key folks. We are suffering, in near-universal prison-like conditions, because the healthcare system was designed for profit, not for caring for people. It is far more profitable to sustain the health of a sick person than it is to either cure them, or let them die of natural causes because their bodies can no longer sustain their health.

Do you need to fear the coronavirus or COVID-19? Absolutely not. The virus itself cannot hurt you.

What do you need to fear? Your healthcare! And you should probably stop trusting the healthcare system to do anything but profit from your misery, because in a system where money is the basis, human life has less priority. And even those in socialist countries with free healthcare need to be aware that their doctors are paid for the work they do, not the results they get. Sicker people pay better, even in Sweden.
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How I Will Survive Coronavirus (and Most Other Viri) 
Saturday, April 11, 2020, 06:37 PM
Posted by Administrator
The coronavirus behind COVID-19 is causing some deaths. While the number is extremely low, on par with a strong strain of influenza, it is nevertheless something that has, for some reason, become of concern to governments and powerful people of this world.


Because they are not healthy.

I am however, and as a result, I will survive the coronavirus.

To what do I owe my confidence in beating the coronavirus?

My good health, my strong immune system, and the fact that I know my body produces antibodies at a very high rate, quite sufficient to fight even a stronger virus that this little coronavirus.

Knowing my body is paramount to my health. And in this case, understanding my body's production of antibodies is paramount to understanding whether or not I am susceptible to the virus, for antibodies are the mechanism by which the body's immune system fights off a viral invasion of the body.

I smoke cannabis and in doing so, intake into my body foreign contaminants including chemicals which my body recognizes and needs to remove from my body, including THC, CBD, and the many terpines in my medicine. I also smoke Salvia divinorum on occasion and know from experience that use of Salvia divinorum requires a healthy immune system to create the antibodies necessary to remove salvinorin A and other active chemicals from my body after I have smoked. I know this because within 30 minutes of smoking, even if I have urinated previously, I need to urinate again and am thirsty. This is because my body has produced antibodies which triggers my kidneys to remove them which it does through urine.

And these days, my body is still producing antibodies quite well. So I am unconcerned about coronavirus because I know my body will produce the antibodies in sufficient quantity to fight off this virus.

Now, how have I managed to ensure my immune system can handle this virus?

That's not as simple, at least from your perspective. For me, it's not something I need to concern myself with because your immune health is primarily affected by your diet and environment, and my environment is under my control (I live on a ship), and my diet is as pure as can possibly be as I eat only red meat and drink only water and mineral water.

Why this is important is something I may be alone in understanding. I am a genius, and I suffer from a condition which requires extreme accommodation to allow me to just survive. While this may sound like my health is fragile, it is not, it is merely sensitive to toxins in the environment and in my food.

What it truly means is that I have discovered that our food is a source of problems, specifically to our immune system. In eliminating foods I was becoming sensitive to starting in 2010 when I first noticed symptoms, I also eliminated the effects those foods had on my immune system. This manifest most visibly as an extreme sensitivity to urishiol, the poison in Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac. In one exposure event, where I was only exposed to dust of dead plants, I was so affected by the poison that I had to make two separate trips to the hospital for respiratory distress.

But in 2012, after I had stopped eating nearly all of the foods I was sensitive to, when my diet was pretty close to what it is now, my sensitivity to urishiol all but disappeared.

What does this mean? It means that my immune system was busy taking care of the food I was feeding myself and this left my immune system without the resources to take care of the toxins from the plants I was exposed to in the environment.

So, your diet is essential to protecting you from this coronavirus.

The highlights of my research are quite applicable to protecting onesself from this coronavirus, and if you would like to ensure you are protected, toss the mask and gloves and empty your cupboards and refrigerator of all of the following, at least until you are safe from this virus (give it two years at least...of course, by then, you'll not want to go back anyway from feeling so much better):

Vegetable oil (use lard instead)
Sugar (all forms, you don't need sweets, if you do, you need a bout of coronavirus too)
Capsacin (spicey spices, all spices are allergens actually!)
Wheat (all whole grains actually, especially if you are female, only nixtamlized non-GMO white corn flour, or "masa", is safe)
Soy and other plant proteins (if you are a vegetarian, you WILL LIKELY DIE FROM THIS VIRUS!)
Savory vegetables (i.e. tomatoes, peppers, etc. - anythng flavorful)
Dairy products of any kind (you are not a cow, nor a baby, stop drinking like one)

Vegetable oil and sugar are the worst things for this virus because they cause inflamation of the very cells the virus attacks. If you have heart disease, it's because of the consumption of vegetable oil.

Now, you have been eating this way for all of your life, so if you have damaged your epithelial cells or immune system then all you can do is hope that eliminating the allergens will allow your body to better defend you against the virus, and there is some precedent to suggest this can work. And it sure as hell beats the paranoia of hiding from the virus.

Good luck.
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Corona Virus FACTS 
Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 09:06 PM
Posted by Administrator
I am a thinker. That means I am constantly considering things, in this case, everything there is about the coronavirus which has the entire world in complete and utter fear.

I assume that society is grossly overreacting and that in reality this is a power grab by those who already have it.

But, that's my opinion. Let's look just at facts.

How does COVID-19 kill?

It can ONLY kill directly in one way, and that is by attacking the heart directly, which can only happen after it enters the bloodstream through the lungs, which can only happen to someone with compromised lungs (which can be compromised also by the virus).

So for the virus itself to kill, you have to have the virus overwhelm your body's ability to fight the virus.

The body normally has the ability to fight this type of virus, as it is the same virus that causes the common cold. Obviously since most people do not die from a common cold, a normal human body's immune system can fight off a coronavirus. And there are no indications and in fact every indications that this is not a more virulent, that is more potent strain as far as infecting people and overwhelming their immune system to infect them, as the actual fatality rate of the virus is not actually distinguishable from the background noise of normal daily deaths. What IS different about this virus is that it overwhelms an ASPECT of the immune system in one of it's actions. The virus itself does not overwhelm the body's immune system otherwise more people would be dying from it. They are not.

So, what we know from a simple examination of the facts is that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 kills by overwhelming the immune system. We know from the very low (even at it's highest measurements) fatality rate that it only overwhelms those with compromised immune systems, either permanently or transiently.

We can now begin to ask some serious questions. If these facts are known, as they are obvious to anyone with even a basic understanding of biology, then why the response to the virus? Why are we not asking why the whole of society is being made to suffer to protect those whose health makes them susceptible to dying from an otherwise harmless virus?

The other question we should be asking is what we should be doing to ensure our immune systems are not overwhelmed. While we cannot do anything about long term issues, we can sure as heck boost our immune response with sane, sound, effective methods.

I have my methods. I will be documenting them in another entry. But be aware that what you eat affects your immune system more than anything else there is. I eat only meat because my immune system is so sensitive to toxins because my body lacks the genetic capability to remove most toxins from the food we eat. We fail to realize how toxic our food is and how hard our immune system has to work to protect us. Ask a diabetic what drinking a soda without insulin would do: if your body did not act to protect you, drinking a soda would kill you. Imagine how much harder your body would have to work fighting off a virus while you're enjoying that soda...

I haven't had the cold or flu for over 8 years.
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Coronavirus - COVID-19 
Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:55 AM
Posted by Administrator
COVID-19, the disease caused by the new novel coronavirus, has created a situation wherein the irrationality and illogic of society is revealed in full, as is the stupidity of people in society.

Country after country are placing their citizens in quarantine, lockdown, or similar restrictions to movement and social contact. But these are not means by which to prevent the spread of something like this or any other coronavirus.

The precautions for preventing the spread of the coronavirus are already well documented and can be checked against the procedures in place in countries around the world. Here is an example from the UK's National Health Service website on how to avoid spreading the common cold, a coronavirus which behaves in spreading precisely the same way a COVID-19 spreads:

How to prevent catching a cold

A person with a cold can start spreading it from a few days before their symptoms begin until the symptoms have finished.

The best ways to avoid catching a cold are:
washing your hands with warm water and soap
not sharing towels or household items (like cups) with someone who has a cold
not touching your eyes or nose in case you have come into contact with the virus – it can infect the body this way
staying fit and healthy

Nowhere does it say to avoid social contact. It does instead suggest that social contact spreads through the things we touch, and advises us, wisely, to take care of ourselves, not isolate ourselves. It also says what's most important: to stay healthy. Why? Because a virus is a simple thing for the human immune system to fight. The ONLY reason we suffer from the common cold is that human immune systems are significantly stressed by the toxins in our food and elsewhere in our environment.

This is not a supposition, it is a fact. Looking at the demographics of those most adversely affected by COVID-19 (those who die) tells the whole story: only unhealthy people are dying. But I do have a personal perspective which sheds significant light on this fact that the medical and scientific communities have yet to fully understand: I suffer from a condition which requires me to eliminate anything from my diet which in any way taxes my immune system. This means I can eat meat and drink water, nothing more. Anything else affects my immune system in a very obvious way. This means that if you are eating anything but meat and drinking anything but water, that you are stressing your immune system.

Line of Defense Against COVID-19:

A logical line of defense emerges from this basic understanding of how our immune system is affected and how the virus spreads in the community which counters what governments are doing and which is unfortuntely giving the wrong people a false sense of security:

First Line of Defense: Health.
If your immune system is busy dealing with toxins, allergens, and microbes from the food you eat, medicines you take, liquids you drink, supplements you take, and even the air you breathe, then your immune system isn't as free to work on invasions by this or any other virus or bacterial infection.

This is the first line of defense because it is the first priority in what you should be concerned with. If you are exposed to the virus, it is the only way your body can avoid becoming infected. And if you are in poor health otherwise, strengthening your immune system is in fact the ONLY thing you can actually do to prevent dying from the virus.

The healthiest thing you can do to protect yourself is to eliminate all foods that your body needs to protect you from, and as far as I know and based on my personal experience, that means clean red meat, in my case a combination in about equal parts of beef, mutton, and goat meats. Fish is okay too as long as the toxin load is low or non-existent or otherwise doesn't affect your immune system. And in addition to only eating red meat, drinking only water and unflavored, unsweetened mineral water is the best way to be sure. As one who eats the same exact meal, twice a day, every day, I can tell you that you will not stay bored with your food. It is food after all, and your health is important. And if you are susceptible to dying from COVID-19, eating only meat and drinking only water should be a worthwhile price to pay for surviving this.

Additionally, and perhaps more importantly to some, is our stress level. Stress is an attack on our bodies which our immune systems must fight, and in fact often represents our immune system attacking our own body in a betrayal that makes us doubly susceptible to actual attacks such as the coronavirus. So, chill out, relax, smoke a bowl (that's also good for your health in this case!), or whatever you need to do in order to reduce your stress levels.

Second Line of Defense: Hygiene.
There are things you can do, habits you can have, to minimize your exposure to viral, bacterial, and fungal infectious agents. Being aware and conscientious about the potential transfer of microbes from surfaces to your body is the most important habit to have because it forms the basis for all habits, including the need to wash your hands properly before eating and after any potential exposure to risky surfaces or locations such as bathrooms and places where large numbers of people congregate for long periods of time or where they eat (theaters, food courts, restaurants, grocery stores.)

If you are truly concerned about COVID-19 because your health and immune system are compromised, then the best thing you can do is assume the virus is on every surface everywhere and be sure to wash your hands after touching any surface. Don't go crazy though, the stress will make things worse.

Third and Final Line of Defense: Physical (not social) Isolation.
Social isolation is not only ineffective, it provides a false sense of security that is endangering the entire population of this planet. The reason is because MOST transmission of the virus is through contact with surfaces that have been infected, either by the virus physically landing on surfaces, or transferring from infected people.

What good does it do to avoid social contact with someone who is infected when that person, for example, stocks the shelves at the store you get your groceries delivered from.

Therefore, to prevent the spread of the virus you must once again be conscientious of how it spreads, especially it's ability to live on surfaces. The best practice is to simply ensure that the virus cannot survive on the surfaces of anything you might bring into your home. But since I'm not at all concerned about the virus affecting me, you'll have to figure out how to sterilize what comes into your home on your own. 10% bleach solution is the only advice I will offer.
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Rumors: Accusations are Permission 
Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 05:18 AM
Posted by Administrator
I have officially and formally decided that when anyone who makes accusations against me for anything I have not done, that I have been given permission to do precisely what I am accused of to the person or persons making the accusation.

This is a warning, especially to those here in La Paz who think they can continue to treat me and others as they do.

La Paz is not your personal retirement village, nor does it belong to any other gringos, be they friends of Malcolm Neil Shroyer Schoen, his son Daniel, or his fraudster wife Mary. The club is not a legal entity, just as the presence of retired foreigners and their businesses isnt legal. This is Mexico, not the USA, Canada, Israel, Germany, England, nor even Spain. It is Mexico, and as one who respects Mexico and its laws, I am the one on the right side of the law.

This warning applies to everyone. If you want to be stupid enough to believe rumors, thats your problem, and I don't care to do anything to benefit such idiocy. But if you are going to spread rumors, that is a direct attack on my safety and the safety of my home and family, and for that, I will ensure that it is you who suffer the consequences of your actions, not me.
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The Child President 
Thursday, February 6, 2020, 03:26 AM
Posted by Administrator
The responses from within the Trump family to his obviously purely political acquittal in thr Senate have demonstrated a man who is not fit for the office of the President, at least not of what has been in the last a true leading and indispensible nation.

But America and Americans sold their soul long ago, and America now belongs to Israel and its zionist regime, which is no more than a disease, a human mental disease based on a culture which prevents natural human development especially the lack of development of empathy.

America is not a nation of victims of an oppressive government. Rather, American is a nation of greedy, selfish, immature consumers, hell bent on enjoying the privilege their corrupt government distracts them with while it gets on with the business of destroying everything human there is.

But, the problem isn't that America is really a fascist nation. The problem is America still leads because all human beings have bcome lazy, stupid, and complacent.

This sorld is populated by people who deserve the suffering they are going to feel quite soon.
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Avoid Mexico at All Costs! 
Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 06:56 PM
Posted by Administrator
I have finally come to understand the true nature of Mexico and especially La Paz, in Baja California Sur.

There is no law here.

There is no government here.

There is only authority, and they only take bribes. They do not enforce the law, uphold safety or environmental regulation, they will not prosecute criminals who pay them off, and they will not protect a disabled American who sought refuge.

COMAR, who are tasked with processing my application for refuge, are violating my rights, again, despite my having a lawyer from the federal defensoria here. But that is happening because my lawyer is not my lawyer, because he isn't doing anything.

No one does the job they are paid to do in Mexican government, period.

No Mexican official has any right to anything, including life, which they have forfeit in the name of betraying their own people. I feel nothing for any Mexican official murdered or harmed. They are criminals, thieves with badges, whom I have experienced firsthand will commit crimes if paid to do so and will in their official capacity.

I have a video, a link will be provided once I can upload it, which demonstrates Telcel blocking me from calling support, and all I wanted to do was to have them stop putting my recharge balance into a package I do not ask for nor want. They are criminals, and they act with impunity because there is no accountability because, as we also found out, PROFECO, the consumer protection agency, protects only those who pay.

Mexico is no more than an anarchistic client state to the United States of America, Israel, Germany, and any other country that wants to come in and do whatever they please.

The people of Mexico deserve much better, and I sincerely hope I can be around to witness them rise up against and kill their entire government. Their government deserves no less.


I now have direct evidence of everything I wrote here being absolutely true. The US Consulate got my disability terminated, sabotaged my refuge case, and recently, worked with corrupt officials to put me and my caregiver in illegal detention while they stole absolutely everything I owned after we took legal possession (as affirmed by their paid-off judge) of an abandoned property originally stolen from the fededal government by an American Jew, Malcolm Neil Shroyer Schoen and which establishes the basis for nearly all corruption in La Paz and throughout Mexico is American/Jewish in origin and is coordinated by the US Consulate.

All evidence is located at disperser.info/documents

Videos can also be seen, along with narratives and related videos, at youtube.com/user/diaryofawolf.
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Solutions for La Paz 
Thursday, January 9, 2020, 01:05 PM
Posted by Administrator
I have not had sufficient power available to me in order to afford me the opportunity to update this website or blog as I would like. It is important however that I communicate my sentiments about my situation here in La Paz for the benefit of those whom I have sought services and assistance from.

My intentions are grossly misunderstood. My efforts are concentrated on protecting myself and my family which means protecting my vessel. I have been mistreated universally and including by the government here in Mexico, all the way up to AMLO's office.

Despite how I have been treated, I still intend to contribute. I am, after all, here in Mexico seeking refuge, protection from Americans who have mistreated me and run me out of my own home country for no other reason than the fact that I no longer have the capability to lie my way out of social situations that Americans like to force people into as a matter of cultural habit.

Mexico is my home and is providing me with shelter. And those who actually provide these services will know my gratitude. Rumors may suggest otherwise, but rumors are just that, rumors, and do not reflect the truth of the situation. In my case, rumors were spread about me by Karsten Honack, a German citizen benefitting from corrupt government officials here in La Paz, especially his father's friendship with Mac Shroyer, founder of API; and Pedro Aguilar, the criminal who operates Soccorro Aggressor and who launders the money he pays no taxes on through Cantamar; which severely damaged my vessel when they failed to connect both ground AND neutral to the marina.

I have observed many problems here in La Paz, and find that with regards to marine and tourist services, that the corrupt influence of Neil Shroyer and API are severely hampering the local and even national economy, and that there is significant room for improvement. Specific changes I would like to see happen here in La Paz include nationalization of API, regularization of all illegall immigrant foreigners (that's most sailors in anchorage and the marinas), deportation of criminal foreigners (including Robert Lee Stephens of Kelly Cher, who hired a Mexican to attack me, stole from me, drives stolen vehicles without documentation, abandons boats in the bay, and most recently struck a Mexican citizen with his vehicle and fled the scene in an unreported incident that will not lead to his being deported despite the fact that he has been here illegally for 25 years!

I have a great deal to offer, and invite you to sit down and discuss my ideas with me in person.
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Seeing Through the Lies: Society  
Thursday, November 21, 2019, 02:05 PM
Posted by Administrator

It seems I have a rather peculiar perspective on life, one which ignores my relative gifts as compared to other people. You see, I just assumed everyone was like me, as capable as me. So to me, everyone has the ability to tell if someone is lying. But the reality, when I really sit down and think about it is that few others have really developed this ability as much as I have.

So why is this important enough to write a blog entry about and make you read it? Because this skill, which all humans should have, enables me to see through lies, including lies which affect us all, including you, dear reader. What it means is that when you read what I write, you are reading what are the results of my investigations into lies. I means that what I write is what you are not meant to read.

I developed these skills as a necessity. You see, my family bullied me. Everyone in my household when I was growing up were what are called psychopaths; which really just means they aren't actually human beings. Human beings speak, which means verbal language was developed, which required empathy; which means if we are speaking, it's because we are supposed to be empathetic, and if not, we aren't human beings. So, I was raised in a home devoid of human beings and in their place were the same kind of people who run corporations, become politicians, rot in jail, or become serial killers (in point of fact one is rotting in jail as we speak – for murder). And these people don't go through life telling the truth.

So, for me to survive, I had to learn to tell when someone was lying, because lies are what psychopaths use in their set of tools in order to manipulate people. Fortunately for me, where my family lacked empathy, I apparently made up for it. And empathy is absolutely necessary if you are going to try to find out if someone is lying (hint: psychopaths always lie, but I'm glad I found out the hard way, you know?).

I survived and even thrived; though I was unable to achieve all I could as a child genius, one who could have graduated high school in the 6th grade (no kidding! My scores on a standardized test in the 6th grade showed me as having the education of a high school graduate!) And I owe it to these skills, which have helped me far beyond just getting out of “hell” (as I used to call my childhood home in Norwalk, California).

My skills have served me quite well, but of course they have been a curse socially. Even before suffering brain damage which destroyed what social skills I did have, I wasn't exactly Mr. Popular for my skills. As I found out only after years of suffering from loss of social skills: lying is an essential social skill, the single most important actually. Nevermind what this means for what socializing is, we'll deal with that later. The point is, I was shunned socially and as a result, had a lot of time to my self to spend thinking about other things – and uncovering other lies given my other important characteristic: insatiable curiosity.

When you are curious about how things work, and have the skills to see through lies, you tend to be able to see the world in a light that, well, some people don't want you to see it through. I am in fact applying for refuge here in Mexico (as opposed to political asylum, for which I also qualify) in part because of the fact that I was censored as an amateur journalist in my efforts to try to share with my fellow human beings the lies I was able to uncover.

But you aren't reading this to know about my suffering. You are reading this because you want to know what lies I see through. And since that's precisely why I wrote this blog, let's just get down to the meat and make a list of the lies in our world:

1. Society.

Society itself is a lie. And that's the only lie you need to know about, because it's the most important and encompasses all other lies. Society itself forms the basis for all forms of dishonesty precisely because of the form of society we have chosen. Modern society is not natural, nor is it compatible with human beings. It is the source of all problems facing humanity, and all stress facing individual people.

Human beings are empathetic, as I said. We developed verbal communication, which requires empathy; which means that as a species, we developed empathy so that we could then develop language. You can't have one without the other, at least not without problems.

So, how did we come to have a society built on lies?

Simple: the people who designed our society are not human beings.

Human society arguably has it's origins in farming. Mankind, foolishly, decided that rather than be nomadic and travel with our food; that we would instead eat grains and other crops, and that we should live in one place and live off of farming. While presenting certain obvious benefits, this lifestyle is not at all suitable for human beings, least of which because we shouldn't be eating grains, but also because we are a nomadic people for a reason, and trying to change that can only cause problems.

Hence, modern society and it's problems.

This farming lifestyle was seen by some as a means to take advantage of and control others. But true human beings, being empathetic, and thus self-motivated by what we know now as “The Golden Rule” to be human towards other humans, would never see such a possibility; only those who lacked empathy could see themselves taking advantage of and controlling others. Thus, it was psychopaths who created our modern society. Any doubts you have on that can easily be assuaged by reading just the first page of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, a tome written by and for psychopaths, and which forms one of the bases for modern Capitalism.

So the whole of modern human society, of human civilization itself, and as a consequence, the very evolution of the human species has been directed by people who are not even themselves human beings.

I guess you have something to think about now, don't you?
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Bitter Enemies, or Jealous Brethren – Russia vs. America 
Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 07:18 PM
Posted by Administrator

I am an American citizen of Scandanavian heritage. I am white, with blond hair and blue eyes. When asked about my race, I, like most (still most?) Americans, select “Caucasian” as my race because I am “white.”

“Caucasian” is something we all take for granted, especially in the context of our supposed bitter rivalry with Russia; which began after Russia kicked Hitler's ass in World War II and America took all the credit (along with the Nazi scientists, propaganda specialists, strategists, weapons specialists, as well as weapon and other technology). The irony of the situation is that when we select “Caucasian,” we are no more than acknowledging our kinship with Russia and the Russian peoples.

It's really quite simple: The Caucuses are a range of mountains in Russia. So, to say you are Caucasian, is to say you are the same as any Russian. We are related, by our very DNA. We are, in fact, one in the same. Scandavians, white Europeans, and white Americans are all universally Caucasian because they all originated within what is now Russia.

So why the big fuss? What the hell is so different that we must now hate our own brethren across the sea, people who live in the land where we ourselves came from? And we are supposed to hate Russians?

Aside from the fact that I don't personally have anything against any individual Russian more than I would or do against any American; I personally see no reason why Americans and Russians shouldn't get along splendidly. Why? Because both are nations of greedy, selfish people who have no morality, and whose lives are lived by exploiting the earth (and it's people, especially in the case of America), and who are in fact destroying this planet's ability to support mankind at about an equal pace.

That America is a climate-change boosting greedfest is obvious. But anyone who thinks Russia is doing any better had better start reading the news and doing so more objectively (including by reading actual objective news, rather than mainstream media propaganda.)

Russians are just as bad as Americans in their blindness to the consequences of their impact on this world. And right now, Russia is digging the final inches of mankind's grave by developing the Arctic and creating a shipping lane. In point of fact, I observed that in 2012 – and I cannot confirm this as fact – it appeared to me that Russia deliberately polluted the ice over the Northeast Passage in order to facilitate the melting of the ice; a crime which in my mind is an order of magnitude greater than any crimes against humanity committed by America. Regardless however; Russia is developing the Arctic, and this will create problems for mankind, and it will create them sooner than anyone imagines.

The simple fact is, no nation on this planet has anyone's best interests in mind because all governments are strictly there to maintain the status quo and protect the ability of the wealthy to continue to be wealthy by exploiting those of us who have morals and choose not to destroy our planet. Governments are the problem, not the solution.
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Closed-Loop Sustainable Fossil Fuel Exploitation: Global Power without Global Warming 
Sunday, November 17, 2019, 06:17 PM
Posted by Administrator

Fossil fuels are nothing more or less than the stored energy of some 500 million years of sunlight on the living beings which absorbed and otherwise utilized that solar energy, and then perished, leaving behind the hydrocarbon molecules created by this solar energy. What isn't recognized, understood, or acted upon, is the reality that the lifeforms that died off took with them carbon that made the planet far too warm for the likes of mammals, especially fragile human beings who survived mass extinctions before – but which were caused by ice ages, meaning humans have survived because of an adaptation to the cold.

Simply put, the open-loop use of fossil fuels to provide the basis for a massive human civilization has restored to the atmosphere that carbon which in previously being sequestered had allowed for the evolution and survival of mankind in the first place. In other words, our use of fossil fuels to create our great societies has cost us our future as a species. We have literally fueled our own demise by tapping the fuel that in being created, allowed for our existence.

But there is a way to use fossil fuels without the threat to our future: we simply close the loop.

A closed loop is a concept where in the case of fossil fuel use, the energy would be the only thing we extract and use and the waste products of harnessing that energy would be re-sequestered. In terms of the chemical makeup of fossil fuels themselves, this means that the hydrocarbon molecules are used for their energy only, and then returned to where they were found or where they will otherwise not be available to the atmosphere. As a metaphor, our present use of fossil fuels is like dragging the corpses of long-dead animals out of the ground and transporting the remains around the world to be burned for fuel, and the exhaust released to the atmosphere. Why can't we simply extract the energy from the dead organisms and return them to their grave?

While a close-loop approach sounds quite logical, it is not recognized by human society in terms of the use of natural resources and thus is not even considered, much less utilized. Human society instead uses an open loop concept – in the example of fossil fuels, the hydrocarbons are extracted from their sequestered location, consumed, and the waste products are released to the atmosphere. Put that way, it's easy to see how global warming can easily be attributed to mankind's use of fossil fuels, especially considering that the plants and animals that were turned into coal and oil were around long before mammals could have evolved.

It is quite simple to close the loop on fossil fuel consumption and extract only the energy. Indeed, all of the relevant technology already exists. The problem is a matter of imagination and will on the part of those who we allow to dictate our lives, and thus our failure to motivate our leaders to act to mitigate the problems they have created.

All that has to be done is to extract the energy, not the fuel, from the wells and coal fields. And then, rather than shipping the fuel all over and allowing just anyone to burn it and release the obviously dangerous chemicals back into the atmosphere 500 million years after being removed; you simply use the energy where you find it, convert it to something we can actually use (safely), and return the chemicals themselves back into the ground or otherwise into a safe form that humans can never put into the atmosphere.

There are many ways this can be accomplished, and in doing so, we can actually create a much better world for people everywhere. Imagine for example automated factories among oil fields, using energy extracted without release of any exhaust, and electric vehicles and ships charged by the same energy so that their goods can be shipped to where they are needed. This would significantly reduce the need for human labor and free us up to do things like improving infrastructure, or even bettering ourselves as societies. We don't need all of that energy at home, so solar, wind, and other alternative forms of energy can easily be used to generate the little bit of energy we need for our homes. Of course, another benefit to having industry located at the source of fossil fuels is that industry will no longer be able to interfere with our domestic lives.

The problem of global climate change being caused by mankind's use of fossil fuels must of course be seen as a problem for it to be solved. But the matter is highly complex, and not even most climate scientists fully understand the problem. So the solution must be philosophical, not one of educating the public. The general public cannot possibly be expected to understand open and closed loop concepts, nor the complex chemistry of hydrocarbons.

A logical, rational being would understand the logic behind the notion of asking oneself “what if I'm wrong.” But society doesn't seem to be logical nor rational, as society has not asked itself whether or not it's position on the use of fossil fuels is tenable. Perhaps then, if we simply made people realize that fossil fuels are just that, the fuels created by fossilized plants and animals whose demise paved the way for ourselves; the mere notion of having respect for the dead might serve to remind people of the dangers of digging up the dinosaurs, whose rein ended so that ours could begin. Perhaps, if people could understand and respect the long-dead, we might not share the same fate.

Close-loop use of fossil fuels for energy is entirely possible, and a necessity if mankind wishes to continue to use this dangerous source of energy, whose storage in the earth made our existence possible. And unless every man, woman, and child on this planet intends for the human species to be extinct, we must close the loop on fossil fuel use.
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“Democracy and the Will of The People” 
Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 08:42 PM
Posted by Administrator
“Democracy and the Will of The People”

This is the phrase used by President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, to describe the events in Bolivia, wherein the duly elected president, having won the election, was forced to resign and flee the country after the opposition held true on their promise to topple the government if their side did not win the election.

Obviously, Trump is insane, crazy, or just plain lying, right?


Trump truly believes that democracy and the will of the people have prevailed in Bolivia. And he is right.

Sort of.

Let's examine this situation in some detail and see how Trump can possibly be right in suggesting that a coup is about democracy and the will of the people.

As I suggested in a previous blog, the United States of America was founded as a racist nation.

Donald Trump has been accused of racism, of being a white supremacist.

These two facts are not coincidental, and together they explain precisely how Trump believes that democracy and the will of the people of Bolivia prevailed when the opposition illegally took over the government.

The United States of America was founded on the principle of equality; but equality for all white male Christian landowners. Everyone else was considered lesser, and in fact, were not allowed to vote, and thus not participants in government.

And what exactly is the opposition in Bolivia? The wealthy, the elite, the conservatives. These are pale-skinned Bolivians who own property and exploit the natural resources of the nation, including it's people. These are thus the equivalent to American white Christian male landowners.

So in the mind of Donald Trump, only the elite of Bolivia deserve a government.

If that's true, then doesn't it also explain his statements about Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, China, and other nations around the world?

What about America? Do you think that somehow you are any different the poor peoples of other countries? Do you really think Trump is doing a damn thing for you? If Trump only recognizes, only sees the elite of other nations, do you really think he gives a shit about anyone in America except the elite?

Democracy and the will of the people is all fine and good, if you are one of “the people.” The mistake you make is believing that the elite and their slaves in government see you as anything but something to be exploited.
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