Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 08:49 AM
Posted by Administrator
Posted by Administrator
This is the video I have intended to share as it shows context and is our most important evidence.
We mixed things up somehow but are obviously aware now and hopefully people stop assuming Im crazy instead of right.
Please watch and share with everyone.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 01:23 AM
Posted by Administrator
I need help finding an attorney to help with restoring my disability benefits and especially because I just found out I will not be able to get them for probably years, if at all, and all of this is because the US State Department deliberately witheld my Continuing Disability Review documents and notices. In other words, the US State Department illegally had my disability benefits cut off through deliberate and illegal action.Posted by Administrator
This is why I am seeking political asylum. But for now I need a disability lawyer who handles Continuing Disability Reviews.
Please help!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 12:40 AM
Posted by Administrator
I can do this comfortably because I never ask for money.Posted by Administrator
We just found out that our only working bank card, my benefits card, cannot receive transfers and therefore we are presently without access to cash.
However, we do have a MercadoLibre Store with enough items to sustain us for a year, if we sell them.
We put our inventory in trust of a friend who can make the items available for pickup (sorry we have to cancel free delivery) and actually deliver what is sold. But if you are outside La Paz and would like to donate, just shop in our store below, open an account or find a friend with one, and buy something, please. Even one sail would save our lives as we have no way to even afford food.
It is not easy to get cash out of our account but we can buy most of what we need with it.
Please shop around and buy something. Maybe one day we can actually hand it to you.
Thank you. Link below
Well, I just looked at the sales and realized everything but the sails, autohelm, and windlass are on Disperser. I cannot deliver those items but your donations would be welcome with the hope of future delivery.
Mercado Libre just wrongfully took down our windlass. I was writing this while Zach was pausing items we didn't have not knowing he shouldn't.
So we now have Jewish algorithms harassing us.
I am not sorry about the Jewish thing. Wake the fuck up, they believe you are their slaves, and they are correct.
I believe otherwise, and actually AM superior to them, so of course they do not appreciate my presence. However, I have rights here, theres are in Israel.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 12:24 AM
Posted by Administrator
I would like to ask for help locating and securing my vessel, the Disperser.Posted by Administrator
Please do so, respecting the integrity of my home, and I will repay you when it is safe for mw to come and get it.
Yes, it is just an object, but represents me myself. I am dependent upon a stable environment that I can control.
Please contact me by emailing my vessel name at my website domain, its redundant, and we can discuss details. Also anyone with information please call (The) Owl-Wolf, my Google Voice number and leave a message aand I will get a transcript within 15 minutes
Thank you.
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Monday, September 20, 2021, 11:59 PM
Posted by Administrator
So, I have taken on a Jewish mafia and a wannabe cartel, and I am now being hunted down by thugs and the State police. My relatives are aware, have my contact information, and I have directly asked for help.Posted by Administrator
The space above is a copy of exactly what I have heard from them.
Fuck you Carol Fidder, Dana Lee Dulyea, and especially William Perry Dulyea
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Monday, September 20, 2021, 10:23 PM
Posted by Administrator
We are safely hidden away where we cannot be found. I called someone at the State Department and yelled the cunt's ears off and demanded Cody call and fix this mess he is responible for.Posted by Administrator
As of now we are going to try to get resources together. We will have people who have been coming to us and offering providing us with help, including a woman who has graciously offered to try to find and care for Lupe.
We do not want to be alone in this. I did this for everyone, not just myself. I hate that these Jews and their friends have been exploiting Mexico like this for so long.
I am now in a position to make demands, and I am doing so. I insist that Pedro be arrested and dertained and investigated. I also demand that Daniel Shroyer and his jewish mafia leave me the fuck alone. My legal demand is for full restoration of all my rights, which incluxes possession of Cantamar.
I am going to fight this, because it is the right thing to do. I am alone in my strength and resolve, and only those with me will directly benefit. If I am able to get both properties, I will put these Jews out of business through fair competition, something they are culturally incapable of. I am leveling the playing field.
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Monday, September 20, 2021, 10:35 AM
Posted by Administrator
We have begun our escape from La Paz, and are now safely outside of town. That is all we will say going forward for our safety. Posted by Administrator
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Monday, September 20, 2021, 10:31 AM
Posted by Administrator
Most important evidence:Posted by Administrator
videos: youtube.com/user/diaryofawolf
photos: www.disperser.info/documents/PichilinguePhotos
I have no way to make a gallery right now.
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Sunday, September 19, 2021, 07:45 PM
Posted by Administrator
We noticed after we left the jail some people seemed to be watching for us, following us on foot. We took a taxi to find a hotel, got a room and walkrd to get some food and water. While walking we noticed a man staring at us as he drove by, then he turned to follow us. We changed direction to evade and he drove around the block and continued to follow us. We ran, walked, changed streets and ditections to try to avoid him but being on foot versus a car makes it hard.Posted by Administrator
We hid in a park and called the police who offered to follow us to the hotel. However, it is a hotel known to be cheap and the only one in this area, and they know we have no money because they stole it.
These are business owners. The owner of Cantamar and Buceos y Servicios and most famously, the American managed Socorro Aggressor dive boat, his primary source of untaxed income (laundered through the hotel.
We can file a denuncia, again, but our denuncia for threats and attempted extortion which started all this is still untouched, and was filed in 2017. We do not know what to do.
My brother was supposed to help,but convincing him I even need it was impossible, and he did finally contact my other family, who ignored my plea for help in the face of direct threats.
This is happening to us because we are invisible, and because no one can possibly believe we are in this situation. I asked for witnesses, but no one even wants to TRY to believe. That sickens me.
We need help. We literally have nothing, no money, no clothing, no food, no home, no vehicles, no keys, no computers, no friends, no support of any kind.
Please, if you can come here, or at least share this blog and photos and videos we upload and link, you can save our lives, or you can also ig ore us and ensure our deaths. We hope you will not ignore us.
I know I am hard to get along with, that is my disability. It isn't fair that I have to suffer so and face threats of death, the loss of everything I own amd my dogs which are also part of my family, especially not because of an illegitimate business.
We are scared but in a hotel room, we assume safely for the night. But considering the hotel is Jewish owned, I have my doubts.
I we are killed, please know it was by Pedro Alberto Bazua Aguliar, owner of Cantamar in Pichilingue and Soccorro Aggressor dive boat, which is American managed and thus has some culpability in the crimes against us.
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Sunday, September 19, 2021, 06:02 PM
Posted by Administrator
After things settled down, I noticed a state police vehiclet Cantamar, the place nextdoor which had previously removed me illegally and stole a great deal from me, with the help of the state police. After about a couple hours, we saw the state police and private individuals cutting the fence between the property next door and entering the property.Posted by Administrator
Long story short, for now, is that the state police were privately hired to help facilitate illegally removing us from our rightful home and stealing absolutely everything, including my boat with everything on including 6000 cash and my passport, birth certificate, computers, tools, everything.
We were illegally detained by these police at the behest of the US State Department. I will record and upload a video with details because I am on my phone, the only means I have to communicate, upload, etc.
We were in jail for 60 hours instead of the 48 maximum, received no food, little water, no lawyer, and no phone calls, and went before a judge who ruled our detention illegal, of course. But its too late. They took everything and will get away with it. We have no recourse.
The police also left my dog at one of the police stations. I am going to try to find her tomorrow
ow but fear the worst.

Thursday, September 16, 2021, 06:53 AM
Posted by Administrator
Tonight as we slept, someone cAme over and cut our anchor lines. Then about 8-10 guys came to the property next door and started throwing rocks, breaking windows and trying to strike me. I fought back with arrows and may have injured one who was on the property. Shortly after, the set my powerboat on fire, trapping me upstairs with no escape. Posted by Administrator
They seemed to have left after the fire.
I remain vigilante and will kill to defend this place, and may already have. I hope so.
To be honest, I had some fun tonight. I love justified killing... Bring it on asshokes
Video uploaded: https://youtu.be/K9qKdIsey7s

Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 11:42 PM - La Paz BCS
Posted by Administrator
My experience so far with seizing this property has been an eye opener. I have been shown the true nature of these people. The powerful hire government employees to do their bidding. No one is held to account, and no one actually does their job.Posted by Administrator
The property I have taken represents foreign and especially so-called "zionist" influences. Whatever you think about Jews, these people here who have all the power and money are Jewish and treat anyone outside their tribe as no more than an opportunity to improve their own station through exploitation. I was unaware of this phenomenon, of Jews treating their own well and others with malice, until I tried to run for Commodore of Club Cruceros and was told I couldn't because I am not a Jew. The elections were cancelled and none have been held since.
La Paz was built, as a tourism destination, by one man, Mac Shroyer. This man set up a grossly corrupt system whereby the people in charge are the worst offenders. The worst, most evil, most selfish, most dispicable people are the ones in charge. Everything here favors the corrupt and there is absolutely no accountability. As an example, 4 years ago, I complained to the Navy that Cantamar, a dive tour business, was making fake flotation devices. They told me to mind my own business. And here, four years later, Cantamar has nothing but fake flotation devices on their boats.
La Paz is a disaster waiting to happen. There are absolutely no safety regulations enforced, no safety mechanisms in place, and no emergency services adequately equipped to handle the kind of disaster this place has brewing under all this corruption. With no one monitoring and regulating anything related to safety, every day is a miracle that this pending disaster doesn't happen. One day it will, and it could be your loved one killed or hurt.
This place is a dump, a dive, a trap, and it's all because a Jew turned his dream of sailing into a golden opportunity to exploit yet another peoples.
I have grown to hate the Jewish culture for what it is, a racist people who believe themselves better than everyone else, that we are all their slaves, and that they can do what they want without regard to any of the laws we put in place. And worst of all, they have their own damn country, the only peoples on this planet to have their own country, and they aren't happy with it and have to stick their noses into everyone else's business and run their countries too.
Not anymore, not in my life, not here in La Paz.
I am standing my ground. And I ask you to stand with me, if you have any interest in a future of your own rather than as a slave to Jews and their evil ways.
By the way, Jews are a people, not individuals. I never hate an individual I don't know. Every Jew has the potential to be empathetic and thus actually human. And not everyone who is without empathy and a selfish evil asshole is Jewish. The fact is, the Jewish culture promotes a disease in humans which makes people inhuman, and that is the precise nature of the Jewish culture, it promotes lack of empathy and without empathy, you cannot be human. How else can you explain such inhuman behavior?
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Sunday, September 12, 2021, 07:38 PM
Posted by Administrator
This is actually an email to my brother. Posted by Administrator
So far my security guy was beat up, my truck trashed, my mooring lines cut, but today the federal maritime rescue came to my boat, without authority because it is on what they consider peivate peroperty by federal law and they also have no jurisdiction on private boats. I threatend them with bow and arrow and maintained a vigilance until they left.
These "officials" only work for business owners and anyone who pays them or owes favors. The Navy here is completely corrupt.
What I am hoping for now is that they start a formal legal process. This means I win because the process can be drawn out literally forever.
I still have to wait for potential attacks, but from what I overheard, they want to physically remove me by force, which they cannot do. I can lock myself into the second story and prevent myself being taken by lethal force if necessary. This house is completely defensible, a locked gate at the top of stairs I can see down but show nothing. And I have all four sides for shooting arrows and flares, which I already did to establish that I will kill to defend if necessary.
They can take my boat, but Zach is on it, will defend with lethal force.
I am not doing well health wise. I am under 150lbs (just under 11 stones). Hernias galore from pulling anchor and chain galore.
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Sunday, September 12, 2021, 07:39 AM
Posted by Administrator
Those who believe themselves to be their god's chosen people and the rest of us their slaves, have a messiah, who has yet to come, which if you think about it from their perspective is just them saying their messiah is better then yoursPosted by Administrator
What is their messiah? The son of their creator.
If a metaphor, then would not the son of their creator, outside of their belief system, be a human being in the same form as the original humans?
So, their messiah could very well be simply a human being who developed outside of the context of a society they essentially created to enslave their inferiors... a proposition, not a belief mind you, meaning I could be their Messiah... another proposition.
And so I ask:
האם יש לך מקום ליד שולחן ארוחת הערב שלך בשבילי?
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Sunday, September 12, 2021, 06:38 AM - La Paz BCS
Posted by Administrator
I am extremely exhausted from my continuing ordeal. I took possession of the property before Olaf came. The day after I return from dragging several miles I went to town and upon my return saw people on the property and military outside.Posted by Administrator
The supposed new owner, the owner of Marina Palmira, had his thugs beat up my security guard, a homeless man I knew for some time, destroy my Suburban, cut my mooring lines and attack my ship.
This he did instead of civillay asking me what I am doing on property he claims to own.
I will be updating it to reflect the new "owner" but for now here is a statement from me about this property.
Statement Regarding Seizure of Federal Land
My name is Michael Wolf. I am an American citizen. I sailed myself to Mexico in 2014 seeking
temporary refuge to allow me to complete work on my vessel so I could safely complete my journey to
a safe country outside of the United States of America. I am disabled, a genius who suffered brain
damage, who is taken advantage of and mistreated because of my injuries. I also suffer from serious
health problems which I am only able to manage because my ship is setup as a hospice and I have the
assistance of a live-in caregiver. I also seek political asylum in Mexico on account of harassment by
the US State Department who illegally caused my disability benefits to be cancelled, intentionally.
I have taken possession of this property in the name of the federal government of Mexico because the
titled owner, whose claim to this property is not legal, caused me great harm through his crimes against
me including extortion, blackmail, and threats of violence against me, all of which are documented. I
have also endured great harm as a result of vicious lies spread about me by this man, Karsten Honack,
through his friendship with Malcolm and Daniel Shroyer such that my ship was heavily damaged as a
result of crimes committed against me on account of these rumors. My ship is in dire condition and
requires immediate haulout to prevent sinking. Local boatyards refuse to service me due to rumors.
This property legally belongs to the Federal Government of Mexico per the law documented in the
Federal Registry on the 21st of September, 1998 which stipulated that these properties must be used
commercially, whereas clearly Wolfgang Honack resided on the property as a private residence. The
property has been abandoned since 2012 when Wolfgang died.
As the federal government has also harmed me by ignoring my request for refuge and asylum, I will
maintain possession and if possible will take title to this property as compensation for all of the
damages I have incurred as a result of the fact that the government’s failure to address my refuge case
served to legitimize vicious rumors spread about me by people known to the Mexican government to be
foreign agents acting against the Mexican people.
Legal and other documents related to this property can be found on my website via the following links:
http://disperser.info/documents/21Sep98Solo.pdf – Law regarding disposition of property which was
reclaimed from the sea
http://disperser.info/documents/APIContract.pdf – the only documentation ceding the property
http://disperser.info/documents/AllKastorEmails.pdf – evidence of threats and extortion by Karsten
Honack/Kastor Industrial
http://disperser.info/documents/GunsOnProperty.jpg – photograph of men who threatened me shooting
guns into the sea towards tourists taken minutes before they threatened me
http://disperser.info/documents/ITAIEmails.pdf – emails with ITAI seeking documentation
http://disperser.info/documents/Patrimo ... Emails.pdf - emails exchanged with state
government, titled owner at the time
http://disperser.info/documents/ProposalPichilingue.pdf – my original proposal as requested by the
state when I sought use from them after discovering they were titled owner
http://disperser.info/documents/Proposa ... mpedCL.pdf – my modified proposal after I
found out the property was not legally documented/owned
http://disperser.info/documents/Registr ... piedad.pdf - Title for the property as of 2017
http://disperser.info/documents/SaleRentalFlyer.pdf – flyer from Karsten Honack attempting to sell the
property without title in 2017
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