Friday, June 30, 2023, 04:25 PM
Posted by Administrator
NHC has their heads up their asses as usual.Posted by Administrator
A hurricane, once formed, will be steered mostly by water temperature.
Beatrice will hug the coast, remaining in warm waters until sheering forces which NHC believes will steer the storm, tear it apart.
La Paz will have upper level effects and some local thunderstorms possible.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2022, 02:47 PM
Posted by Administrator
Posted by Administrator
I am going to take the war against me to their battlefield and use their own weapons against them. This means you, cunts of the deep state/bureaucracy.
So, I am looking for sponsors, producers, publishers, as well as a publicist and manager to handle my media and online presence.
My preference is to work for agents of state or superstate actors. I will work for the US Government through appropriate channels, and I will tailor my content to suit their agenda.
To be clear, my agenda is simple: to find a few like minded people to join me in leaving and existing outside of society. I want the same thing those who have been censoring me want, to take people like myself out of society. You don't want us we don't want to be there.
So, now I can get paid to continue to do what I do and everyone can stop worrying about me being a threat to society.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 06:11 AM
Posted by Administrator
Everyone knows the government here is corrupt, just as they know the media is in on it. Not only that, but I make public my evidence which not only shows I am innocent, buy that it is they who are the criminals. No one seems to want to see my evidence, amd I KNOW no one wants to ask me what happened.Posted by Administrator
So, what do you think my opinion is of those who believe what they hear about me? What about believing so even in the face of contradictory evidence?
Obviously I think you are fucking idiots.
What you fail to realize is that you ARE idiots, and that I know it. It's not just my opinion, it happens to be a fact.
Hate me all you like, but do so in the conscious knowledge that its because I know what you really are. Hate me knowing that I know you are the one who should be hated.
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Monday, June 13, 2022, 08:18 PM
Posted by Administrator
My lawyers have confirmed to me that the owner of Marina Palmira, whose security guy (son I am told) killed my friend and illegally claims the property I claimed legally, is, along with Pedro Aguilar of Soccorr Aggressor and Cantamar Hotel and Buceos y Servicios BCS, paying to have me illegally detained and trying to have me imprisoned.Posted by Administrator
The owner of Marina Palmira, is a jew. A jew killed my friend, my dogs, and with the help of the US Consulate, had me and my caregiver illegally detained while Pedro Aguilar stole everytjing we owned.
So, jews are torturing innocent disabled American refugees and facilitating the theft of everything they own.
And you have the fucking nerve to accuse me of petty mindless mindsets like so-called "antisemitism". Do you even know what a semite is?
Jews as a culture and people are the single greatest threat to humanity and to society. When you find yourself being tortured to death and realize it was jews who did it to you, maybyou eill finally realize it was jews who made up the idea that there was something wrong with hating them.
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Friday, April 8, 2022, 02:46 AM - La Paz BCS
Posted by Administrator
Speed limit in the bay, in the anchorage, where people live, kayak, amd swim, is 5 knots, or 5 mph. No wake. No full throttle.Posted by Administrator
Yet I was thrown in jail, illegally, as sanctioned by the US Consulate, for saying something to the ones who speed by my vessel intentionally and too close.

Thursday, April 7, 2022, 05:19 PM
Posted by Administrator
I came here in 2014 to apply for refuge.Posted by Administrator
A jew named Daniel Shroyer, son of the American Malcolm Neil Shroyer Schoen, founder of API, Mexico's port authority, told INM (immigration) to refuse me any legal rights to the refuge process and also told businesses in La Paz to refuse me services.
I applied again for refuge in 2019 through the Federal Defensoria.
Slow, but they have made progress.
This is the petiton being filed on my behalf, asking I be granted refuge because the government has refused to grant me the right to apply and have refused to process my application.
See for yourself:
http://disperser.info/documents/refuge/ ... Final1.jpg
http://disperser.info/documents/refuge/ ... Final2.jpg
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Thursday, February 24, 2022, 08:37 AM
Posted by Administrator
The Deep State, which is nothing more than the mostly female bureaucrats of the US State Department, the same useless cunts who worked with corrupt Mexican officials to illegally detain me while everything I own was stolen, are presently being handed their asses by another genius, Vladimir Putin. Posted by Administrator
Its funny as hell to watch these people being made fools of and watching as some twenty years of efforts by the State Department to flood Ukraine with weapons and ideologies and mercenaries, years of expensive, painstaking efforts and preparations being blasted and destroyed in less than 24 hours, completely neutering US Deep State efforts to wage hybrid and proxy wars against Russia, which, by the way, is innocent of the aggressions claimed by US Deep State propaganda.
I know my friends in the US Consulate in Tijuana read my blog. So it gives me great pleasure to ensure those cunts know that they aren't just going to have their asses handed to them by Putin, because Putin is not the only genius they have grossly underestimated. They have made the same mistake with me.
Evacuate the Tijuana Consulate while you can... LOL
Here is a link to the video I recorded on 17 March 2014 wherein I was the first person to break the story that the Maidan coup was the work of the NED:

Thursday, January 6, 2022, 06:20 PM
Posted by Administrator
I just found out the thugs hired to attack us on 16 September were never paid.Posted by Administrator
Gee... I wonder why.
The man IS jewish...
He is also a murderer. His worker (son I believe) beat up the homeless Mexican guy we befriended and had watching the property.
I just heard this yesterday. Details to come.
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Monday, December 27, 2021, 10:38 PM
Posted by Administrator
I don't hate all jews. I only hate the ones we should all hate, those who would use violence, especially indirect violence, against the innocent who merely act to protect what is right.Posted by Administrator
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Sunday, December 19, 2021, 09:15 PM
Posted by Administrator
I glanced at a map of onjects in the solar system while reading about celestial mechanics and pondering celestial navigation and realized something: that I have a natural ability to see gravity and thus be able to visually navigate celestially without need for externalizations such as computers, visualizations, or even math.Posted by Administrator
I have not always understood the nature of even my oen genius, but I am certainly beginning to.
I am quite excited at the prospect of navigating the Universe by dead reckoning.
If only I can figure out how to escape the efforts of governments trying to kill me. Cunts.
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Friday, November 26, 2021, 03:06 PM
Posted by Administrator
Speech does not come with it any expectation of acceptance.Posted by Administrator
Speech is merely the efforts to share thoughts, knowledge, and understanding. This speech does come with it however the reasonable expectation that it can be freely heard as it lacks any expectations.
Propoganda is speech that has expectations, which includes any and all speech that is paid for in some form or otherwise created with an expectation in mind, and should absolutely be censored, but by the individual and with full knowledge of the nature of the speech. Propoganda does include all books, as payment was rendered in some form for their creation. Books can include non propoganda but become such because payment was rendered for their creation and they lack any individual interaction.
Speech should be free of course. Propoganda should be labeled or known to be such so that ir can be appropriately treated.
That you are reading this at all, because I only wrote it here, is in fact propoganda. That does not demean its value, it merely advises you that it is not speech.
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Friday, November 26, 2021, 01:15 AM
Posted by Administrator
If Iran were legitimately an enemy to Israel it would act on its threat to end Israel's existence. Posted by Administrator
I know for a fact this wont happen because Iran is controlled by Jews in reality just as almost every. other nation is (China being the major exceptjon). I tried to send my evidence that they control things to the Iranian embassy here. They laughed it off.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 08:34 PM
Posted by Administrator
I believe mass of bodies determines characteristics especially if star or not. As such, look at masses of twin stars and of planets in tight orbit. This should yield mass of transition to star. Mass of planet equates to fusion engine modified of course by composition. Big enough and fusion ignites atmosphere and gaseous giant duddenly becomes star. Posted by Administrator
Also cycle of star is to gather enough mass to become star, expel energy then mass, collapse and attract matter and not expel energy. A "white hole" then is nothing more than a star before collapsing into a black hole. It "ports" energy but only backwards through time, or firward depending upon how you look at it.
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Sunday, November 7, 2021, 01:20 PM
Posted by Administrator
https://www.rt.com/news/539599-british-journalist-nicaragua-election/Posted by Administrator
So the US has directed its client state to detain a journalist just for flying through the country to cover the elections in Nicaragua.
To what end?

Thursday, November 4, 2021, 12:27 PM
Posted by Administrator
I live on a boat because, unlike you, I like to make my life better for myself and those around me. Just as I did not accept what was taught in school to be the extent of my education, neither do I accept letting someone else, especially an anonymous, uncaring government care for my immediate environment.Posted by Administrator
In point of fact, I HAVE to live on a boat precisely because the environment in America is so awful. Just yesterday I saw a news story about how American tap water is a "cocktail of toxins" which I already knew long ago.
The problem isnt the government, the problem is you, sitting on your fat, lazy ass expecting someone else to "take care of it" even while touting how America is supposedly a democracy, which means self-governance, or getting off your fat lazy ass and doing it yourself.
So, again, the only reason I have to live on a boat, is because of your lazy, fat, ignorant, stupid, entitled, hypocritical ass.
And you wonder why I hate you?
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