Warning: Zachary David Watson is a Dangerous Psychopath, Serial Arsonist, Potentially a Serial Killer! 
Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 03:02 PM
Posted by Administrator
My former caregiver, whom I tried to cure of his ailments, has come under the influence of a man who encouraged Zach to steal tens of thousands from me, and break into the boat and steal the passwords and hack into the accounts of a disabled man I now care for.

Zach has been radicalized by incessant harassment by jews who have been targeting me since 1983 when I scored the highest score on the California Achievement Test. Rather than causing me to act violently as has been their plan, they have driven Zach to desire revenge and to randomly express his outrage at a society that lets jews do to him what they have done to me all my life: target him just because he is not a jew.

Zach has been shot at, illegally detained, his dog was tortured and killed, his friend was killed basically in front of him, and he was illegally detained time and time again and everything he owned stolen.

Zach desires revenge and I do not know who will be the target of his anger. In Wilmington, California some unfortunate car owner lost their vehicle. In Quartzsite, Dwayne Kollmar, the idiot who has radicalized Zach, will likely be Zach's first victim in what I anticipate will be his short lived life as a serial killer.

But Zach also knows who is behind all of the harassment he has received, and I'm not just talking about Neil Shroyer. I'm talking about Donna Palmer, the US Consulate, SSA in San Diego and Brawley which is close to where Zach is now, as well as my brother, my step mother Carol. Zach know where you all live. And I don't know how far he is willing to go.

So congratulations on the monster you created in trying to drive me to do something stupid. Now you have to deal with the consequences of your stupidity.

Good luck, idiots!
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