Thursday, December 28, 2023, 05:16 AM - General
Posted by Administrator
I have a unique perspective in the world as a genius and victim of jewish efforts to, well, take over the world.Posted by Administrator
More on my perspective later.
My fear for the future is that jews have conditioned people so well as to have created the conditions whereby I believe that the genocide in Gaza Strip is a test for a global event.
What is going on right now is obvious genocide, the forced removal or destruction by direct and indirect means of an entire population so that jews can have their ocean view. The messianic prophecy guiding Netanyahu tells him and all jews that Israel, including all of historical Palestine, is theirs. This is in spite of evidence that these Ashkenazi jews have never even been in Israel, and of course the obviousness of the fact that their belief does not coincide with the rest of humanity based entirely on the fact that the jewish identity includes being their god's chosen people.
So they are committing this genocide, which any basic understanding of jewish dogma (talmud) would show was well within their belief system as a genocide and ethnic cleansing, while the world stares in complete and utter inaction. No one is doing a damn thing to stop what is obvious genocide based on messianic beliefs of a people who believe themselves better than everyone else.
It is so obvious to me that you are unaware of this perspective, of the reality that you are so well conditioned to accept what the jews who run the media and internet tell you. But it is only obvious to me, not to any of you, so you cannot see it, and my words here will do precious little to change that.
So, I write, probably from my death bed, that you all face imminent and complete destruction, the indiscriminate and emotionless destruction of your home and all you have built up, and all you have ever created and accomplished, and all you have gathered together to maintain your life, as well as all those whom you love either destroyed physically or mentally by shock or simple loss of will.
My perspective is unique because I am someone who stands out as an example of a mature human being, that is, someone who is not domesticated because I managed to become an adult, on my own, and completed my own education all before I was even in the second grade; and a feat almost none of you has even managed to accomplish as of yet.
And what I see, firsthand, is exactly what Palestinians see. The same collective punishments. The same false flags and false accusations of terrorism. I see exactly what these idiot jews do because I am a genius, and because I stood out in their sights long ago as an impediment to their messianic plans, and have been intricately connected to their plans as a result of my being a threat to them. And as a genius with the capability to remember things over long periods of time and connect them so well, I most certainly see now those plans.
And those plans are to do to all of you exactly what they are doing in Palestine, and they will likely do it to you with nukes, biological means, or most likely a nice cocktail of mass genocide and ethnic cleansing of most of the population of the planet.
Why do I know they will wipe us all out? Because they have wiped me out like they have wiped out over 20,000 innocent Palestinian citizens who had been imprisoned in their own country by an invading force given entitlement to do so by you and everyone else out there who refuses to step in and help Palestinians just like you refuse to step in and help me.
I have lost everything, and everything included my ability to be self sufficient. Now, I am about to be homeless. I am sick. I am without a caregiver. I am without my SSDI payments (not a fucking benefit, a payout from insurance I was forced to pay for by the same government that illegally took it away and is keeping me from getting it back.) I am dying, and none of you will help me because you believe what jews tell you about me, even in spite of knowing that these people lie to you by habit.
I am sitting here in La Paz directly witnessing the callous ignorance of absolutely everyone of my situation even in spite of knowing that it is based entirely on rumors from papers known to be mouthpieces of a known corrupt government. In other words, people here KNOW I am a victim, not the aggressor, the terrorist they paint me as. Yet in spite of this, no one helps me. Everyone shies away as if I am dangerous. As if the fucking lies are true.
This is how I know that the ignorance of you and everyone else of the plight of Palestinians being massacred wholesale by obvious fascists is a harbinger of things to come. This is a test, to see if you will rise up against oppression, or stand by and let these people destroy you and everyone else, and soon (if they haven't already, with their vaxxines.) And the test is demonstrating that you will in fact sit by and let them destroy everyone so they can have their ocean front view (from their bunkers of course.)
I will die soon. My accomplishments are already mostly lost along with most of my tools and equipment specific to caring for my fragile health. The loss of my data, evidence, creations, works, contributions to humanity was already a heavy price on humanity. But if I perish, it will signal the end of humanity itself as I represent the only remaining signs of humanity on this planet. Your ignorance of my plight is not a metaphor for the plight of Palestinians, it is a reflection. My life, my being attacked, my losing everything and being essentially dead, is a metaphor for your fate.
But you can do something to save humanity by reaching out to save me.
At least I wont be around to suffer your fate if you don't.
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