Stop Bashing America for the Wrong Reasons 
Thursday, November 5, 2020, 04:24 PM
Posted by Administrator

First of all, I must say that I am an American citizen presently living in Mexico and attempting to apply for refuge here as a result of my needing protection as a member of several abused classes of Americans, most importantly because of mental disability. I fled my country out of fear of what my government was doing to me and what was being done to me by my fellow Americans.

I hate what America is today and more importantly, I hate Americans for not standing against what America has become, because what America is today is not what America was founded as, and those people who are bashing America around the world and even from within are completely ignorant in their criticism and need to be corrected in their wrong thinking about what is and what is not wrong with America.

First of all, there is only one thing wrong with the American political system, and that is its inability to compensate for a stealth takeover by zealots; manifest presently as a single political party masquerading as two distinct political parties. The founding fathers of America were unable to foresee the power of propaganda and what changes would be made to voting in order to subvert America's foundation as a union of independent cultures bound together by a single desire for freedom; something America hasn't been for about 200 years.

The America people are bashing isn't the America I was born into, nor that anyone else alive today was born into. From it's founding and until just before the Civil War, America was a much different place, a republic, a union of distinct states with powerful governments and individual cultures. Crossing a state line back in those days wasn't just about driving somewhere. If you crossed a state line, you knew it, and it was a big deal.

It seems people have forgotten that America was founded as a nation of people tired of oppression and who longed for freedom and adventure. America was literally the land of opportunity. Opened up by explorers and adventurers, America became the place to go for people seeking freedom from oppression in Europe and elsewhere.

They came to America and created colonies, eventually thirteen individual colonies of peoples from various places, mostly western Europe. These colonies were eventually once again under the oppression of European governments and decided to be independent. The founding documents they wrote ensured that the people would never again suffer under an oppressive government.

And it is these founding documents which are supposed to define America. But America has been taken over by some Americans who don't uphold the same values as those who founded America. Rather, these people uphold the values of the strong central European governments and their ability to control people and especially to control economies, such as through central banks, a vital part of the complaints of the colonies against the oppressive European governments and which is now prominently featured in American life.

America is not as America should be. America was taken over and turned into the very thing that is the reason people sought their freedom in America. And it is those people and their mindset that should be criticized, not the US Constitution or the Electoral College.

So please, to all you international pundits, please stop bashing America. America was an experiment, given to the people of this world by those among you who were brave enough to make a new start on their own, people who, like myself, set off from everything they knew, braved the oceans in boats, and sailed to the promise of hope and freedom. Those people risked everything for a dream. But that dream has been turned into a nightmare by people who have no interest in freedom or adventure. Those same people, that same mindset that drove people out of Europe and into the New World now run the show in America, because Americans seem to have lost their sense of adventure and desire for freedom and are not quite happy instead with their television, games, and other forms of mindless activities.

No, if you're going to criticize America, criticize it for the problems it has – the people who fail to uphold the founding principles of the first and only nation founded by the people and for the people. Criticize those who people like me in America criticize: those who lie, cheat, and steal their way into halls of power instead of feeling compelled to lead their fellow Americans in the continuing experiment of power of and by the people. Remind them who is in charge: themselves.

And for those Americans who bash those who do not support democracy, try to remember that none of you would have even had a vote at the founding of America. At the time of it's founding and another 80 years, only white Christian male landowners were allowed to vote. America was not a democracy as people mistake it, and as America itself likes to say it tries to spread around the world. America was founded as a union of strong, independent states with the heads of Christian families of white landowners being the people who were represented. Everyone else simply worked for the landowners and benefited from their politics.

There was no democracy for most people in America. All white adult males were only given the vote in 1856. Black men gained the right to vote in 1870, but through an amendment prohibiting states from denying it. Women only gained the right to vote 100 years ago, in 1920, but not all women. Only in 1952 were all women finally given the right to vote.

So consider very well your station as a voter, and then consider how the white Christian male landowners of this nation would vote, and ponder just what is really at stake in American politics. Consider also your privilege in being able to do what you can to influence the course of people's lives who provide the backbone of support for the nation you enjoy being a citizen of.

And those of you outside America; consider your part in making America what it is today; for it was the world's rejection of the recognition of the Confederate States of America that doomed us all to the fate of the overzealous and far too powerful federal government of the United STATES of America.

By the way, I was born a white Christian male, and inherited land from my father, making me a full voting citizen of the United States of America per the original founding documents. But being born into the only form of privilege you can be born into in America was not enough to protect me from Americans and the American government. Being a white Christian male landowner, that is, being someone who the founding documents originally said has the vote, who is part of those who govern themselves, doesn't feel like a privilege, it feels like a label, as though I'm a bad person for being born a true American. And while it may not bother me, I wonder how many white Christian males out there, who are the target of so many social campaigns to denigrate them, feel about how they are treated versus their station as described by America's founding documents. I wonder whose loyalty they question.
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